Better Health, Mindful Living

5 Super Enhancing Herbs

There are a wide variety of herbal remedies that have become popular in the last few years so at times it can be overwhelming to make a decision on what exactly would be best for your specific needs.  What if it was completely possible to boost your energy levels to new heights?  It is very possible and you can kickstart your way into a better way of providing excellent fuel for your body by adding herbal tweaks to your diet regimen.

Here are some of my favorite herbal superstars to add to your diet:

Ginger is all in a class by itself with so many redeeming qualities, there too many to list but let’s start with improving blood circulation and strengthening the immune system.  Ginger can also fight infections and halitosis, it can clear your sinuses and inflamed airways. If you happen to be trying to lose weight, Ginger may be your new “go to” herb. 

If you are having a bit of a time managing stress in your life, Lemon Balm may be the answer to calming your stormy waters.  You can sip Lemon Balm tea or take it in a supplement form to calm your nerves and mellow you out for sure. There us a tincture that is available as well.  Lemon Balm can also regulate blood sugar, manage an overactive thyroid, soothe PMS symptoms and is a great sleep aid.

Yes, good old Cinnamon, you know the spice used in apple pie, oatmeal cookies and of course the delectable cinnamon roll. If you are wondering how you can possibly integrate Cinnamon into your daily intake, try a 1/4 of a teaspoon in your coffee, breakfast cereal. Did you know that Cinnamon can protect your heart health? And can assist in the fight against diabetes and can helps to defend against cognitive decline? Cinnamon may also help to lower the risk of cancer and can assist in minimizing allergies. If the taste of Cinnamon is not your thing, you can also take it in supplement form. I have used this brand and can recommend this one as well.

Turmeric is an inflammatory herb and can reduce the symptoms of depression, the risk of heart disease and arthritic pain.  It can also slow or prevent blood clots and boost your skin’s health. It has been used to treat common cold symptoms such as cough and nasal congestion and there are verified studies that it has been used to fight cancer. I use powdered Turmeric daily and the brand I use yields pretty good results. I can also recommend the supplement here  which I use pretty frequently as well.

Cayenne Pepper is an amazing herb as it aids in digestion, boosts metabolism and is a great source of Vitamin A.   It is available in every store almost everywhere.  You can use it when you cook, take it in a drink or pop it as a supplement.  Cayenne Pepper can be used to relieve migraine pain, it can fight the common cold and its use can prevent allergies. If you do not currently use cayenne or are unfamiliar with it, you can try it in either the supplement or tincture.

If you are unsure on how to incorporate herbs in your diet, I suggest when starting out, try to purchase the ground version of each herb and sprinkle them in your tea or beverage of choice, salad dressing or sauces.  

These are only a few herbal superstars that have made a big difference in my quest for optimal health.  I have more energy, I sleep more soundly and I feel fantastic!  

Please feel free to comment to share your results.

Peace, Love and Light

The Natural Nouveau

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